W.TEC Set To Host Event At AfricaNXT 2022
We are excited to announce our participation at one of Africa’s premiere conferences. This year we shall be exploring the opportunities of empowering women and girls with tech to grow the economy.
Event: Conquering Poverty With Tech: Women & The Next Decade.
Date: Friday March 4, 2022
Time: 2.30 – 3.30pm WAT
Event Hall: NXT Tech Stage – InnovationPavillion
Venue: Landmark Centre, Plot 3 & 4 Water Corporation Road, Lagos.
Register for event: Visit https://www.africanxt.com/ page, register with the page and choose our event to register your attendance.
Maryam Abdulsalam – Programmes Manager (W.TEC)
Ommo Clark – CEO (iBEZ)
Samuel Odeleye – ICT Educationist (CIS School)
Mary Abiodun – Business Lead (StrikingCVs)
According to World bank data, women form nearly 50% of the population of sub Saharan Africa, however studies also show that in a country like Nigeria 70% of poor Nigerians are women. The good news is that the proliferation of technology and the opportunities that technology provides has the potential to accelerate the empowerment of women.
Over the next decade, high speed data and strategic use of digital platforms will provide many women with the right tools to connect to employment opportunities, start and grow businesses online, and possibly create value and wealth. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the paradigm of what work looks like, transforming “work” from something that takes place within an office, within certain hours and in a central location to something that happens anytime in indeterminate locations by a distributed team.
This session will explore how we can create an enabling environment to ensure women are successful in this new world of work. The discussion will focus on equitable access to technology, knowledge of how to leverage digital tools, and the ability to function effectively within the evolving paradigm of work.
Our panelists will also offer insights on, “The Future of Women and work in Africa: In the next decade” paying special attention to the challenges and opportunities presenting by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Attendees will leave with:
[1] A better understanding of the skills needed to be an effective member of the work teams of the future.
[2] Greater insights on what work will look like over the next decade
[3] A roadmap for future success as an entrepreneur
[4] Practical approaches to address issues around access to digital tools